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[Printing programvirtualprinter

Description: 虚拟打印机源码和安装文件,把打印内容打印到emf格式的文件中,包含win9x/NT/2K/XP平台上的源码和查看emf文件的程序源码-Virtual printer source and installation files, and print the contents of print to emf file formats, including win9x/NT/2K/XP platform source and view documents source emf
Platform: | Size: 1906688 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Printing programPrinter

Description: 将原始数据直接发送得打印池,将EMF发送给打印池,打印对话框设置,页面设置,简单循环打印。-Raw data will be sent directly to print a pool, will be sent to the print pool EMF, print dialog box settings, page setup, simple cycle print.
Platform: | Size: 11264 | Author: 站长 | Hits:


Description: EmfMerger幻灯片打印辅助工具,能将几张幻灯片合并后打印. 可以任意调节各幻灯片的间距,以节省纸张。 通过本软件转换后打印,与从PPT中直接打印相比。其每页9张比PPT每页6张大。 使用方法: 1.打开PPT文档,使用文件菜单另存为EMF格式。 2.打开本应用程序,选中第一步中的目录。 3.选择每页你要输出的的张数。你还可以调节 各图片的间距,添加页码。 4.保存你的图片。 打印文件时,请直接使用Windows自带的图片查看器 打印,若弹出错误,请切换打印机选项中打印方式 的横向和纵向。 作者:YYcYY Email:yyc520@gmail.com -Print slides EmfMerger aids can print several slides after the merger. Can adjust the spacing of the slides in order to save paper. After the passage of the software conversion printing, and print directly from the PPT compared. Its 9 per page 6 per page than PPT Zhang. Usage: 1. Open the PPT file, use the File menu Save as EMF format. 2. To open the application, select the first step in the directory. 3. Select page you want to output the number of sheets. You can also adjust the pitch of the picture, add the page number. 4. Save your image. Print documents, please use the Windows built-in picture viewer to print, if the pop-up error, switch the printer options to print the way the horizontal and vertical. Author: YYcYYEmail: yyc520@gmail.com
Platform: | Size: 221184 | Author: 易岳城 | Hits:

[Printing programEMFSpoolfileReader

Description: 读取打印机的spool文件,格式:emf 支持翻页、预览等-Read the printer spool files, support for emf
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: 张志平 | Hits:

[Printing program[MS-EMF]

Description: 微软EMF格式文档详解。英文版。对做打印机的同学们帮助很大哦。-Detailed documentation for Microsoft EMF format. English. Students on the printer to do great help to Oh.
Platform: | Size: 2754560 | Author: tobenerd | Hits:

[Windows DevelopREMFSpoolfilee

Description: 读取打印机的spool文件,,格式:emf 支持翻页、预览等 -Read the printer spool file, format: emf support page, preview, etc.
Platform: | Size: 28672 | Author: sc | Hits:

[Driver Developomega48-code

Description: windows 平台下的虚拟打印机驱动程序。-Omega48 is a virtual printer driver for Microsoft Windows which allows you to convert the document to the graphics formats such as EMF, BMP and non formated text file (UNICODE or ANSI). Omega48 allows to save MS Windows Spool (SPL) and Shadow (SHD) files
Platform: | Size: 173056 | Author: asdf | Hits:

[File OperateSplToEmf

Description: 打印机生成的SPL中间文件,转换成EMF图像文件-SPL printer generated intermediate file, convert EMF image files
Platform: | Size: 4091904 | Author: JHON | Hits:

[Printing programemfprinter

Description: 虚拟打印机程序 可以生成EMF文件。自带EMF浏览器。(The virtual printer program can generate EMF files.)
Platform: | Size: 6493184 | Author: 江峰 | Hits:

[Printing programprint_monitor

Description: 将SPL文件分解成EMF文件,监控打印机所用(Decompose the SPL file into a EMF file)
Platform: | Size: 2048 | Author: xywj123456 | Hits:

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